1. Santiago-Balmaseda A, Aguirre-Orozco A, Valenzuela-Arzeta IE, Villegas-Rojas MM, Pérez Segura I., Jiménez Barrios N, Hurtado Robles E, Rodríguez Hernández LA, Rivera-Germán ER, Guerra- Crespo M, Martínez-Fong D, Ledesma Alonso C, Díaz-Cintra S*, , Neurodegenerative Diseases: Unraveling the heterogeneity of Astrocytes, Cells, May 2024; 13(11), 23
2. Andrade-Guerrero J, Rodríguez-Arellano P., Barron-Leon N, Orta Salazar E, Ledesma C. Luis O. Soto-Rojas*, Díaz-Cintra S*, Autores de correspondencia*., Advancing Alzheimer's Therapeutics: Exploring the Impact of 2 Physical Exercise in Animal Models and Patients, Cells, November 2023; 12(2531), 24
3. Reyes-Castro LA, Padilla-Gómez E, Parga-Martínez NJ, Castro-Rodríguez DC, Quirarte GL, Díaz-Cintra S, Nathanielsz PW, Zambrano E, Hippocampal mechanisms in impaired learning in offspring of rats fed isocaloric low protein diets in pregnancy and/or lactation, Hippocampus, January 2018; 28(1), 18-30
4. Luna-Muñóz, J, Ontiveros-Torres MA, Castellanos-Aguilar L, Gutiérrez Murcia JL, Martínez-Zuñiga N, Flores- Rodríguez P, Figueroa Ávila IA, Dionisio de la Cruz B, Cisneros-Martínez J, Harrington ChR, Wischik CM, Aguilar-Vázquez A, Díaz-Cintra S., Carboxy-terminus tau protein hyperphosforylation is associated with extracellular deposits of amyloid-b fibrillary in a triple transgenic model of Alsheimer´s disease, Journal of Neurological Disorders, May 2017; 5(3), 1-3
5. Neri-Gómez, T., Espinosa-Raya, J., Díaz-Cintra, S., Segura-Uribe, J., Orozco-Suárez, S., Gallardo, J.M., Guerra-Araiza, C, Tibolone modulates neuronal plasticity through regulating Tau, GSK3β/Akt/PI3K pathway and CDK5 p35/p25 complexes in the hippocampus of aged male mice , Neural Regeneration Research, April 2017; 12(4), 588-595
6. Morin, J.-P., Rodríguez-Durán, L.F., Guzmán-Ramos, K., Perez-Cruz, C., Ferreira, G., Diaz-Cintra, S., Pacheco-López, G, Palatable hyper-caloric foods impact on neuronal plasticity , Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, February 2017; 11(19), 1-8
7. Ontiveros-Torres MA, Labra-Barrios ML, Díaz-Cintra S, Vázquez-Aguilar A, Moreno-Campuzano M, Mena R, Luna-Muñoz J, Luna-Arias JP, Fibrillar Amyloid-β accumulation triggers an inflammatory mechanism leading to hyperphosphorylation of
the carboxyl-terminal end of Tau polypeptide in the hippocampal formation of the 3×Tg-AD transgenic mouse, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, June 2016; 52(1), 1-27
8. Morin, Jean-Pascal, Cerón-Solano G, Velázquez-Campos, G, Pacheco-López G, Bermúdez-Rattoni F, S. Díaz-Cintra, Spatial Memory Impairment is Associated
with Intraneural Amyloid-beta
Immunoreactivity and Dysfunctional Arc
Expression in the Hippocampal-CA3
Region of a Transgenic Mouse Model
of Alzheimer’s Disease, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, March 2016; 51(1), 69-79
9. Pérez Cruz Claudia, Diaz Cintra Sofia, Nutrition and Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience , September 2015; 7, 170
10. Castro-Chavira SA, Fernández T, Nicolini H, Diaz-Cintra S, Prado-Alcalá RA, Genetic markers in biological fluids for aging-related major neurocognitive disorder, Current Alzheimer Research, July 2015; 12(3), 09
11. Beltrán-Campos V, Díaz-Ruiz A, Padilla-Gómez E, Aguilar Zavala H, Ríos C, Díaz Cintra S, Efecto de la Tibolona en la densidad de las espinas dendríticas en el hipocampo de la rata, Neurologia, April 2015; 30(7), 401-406
12. Coronas Sámano G, Portillo W, Paredes R, Medina Aguirre IG, Beltrán Campos V, Diaz-Cintra S. , Deficits in odor-guided behaviors in the transgenic 3xTg-AD female mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease, Brain Research, May 2014; 1572, 18-25
13. Orta-Salazar Erika, Feria Velasco Alfredo Ignacio, Medina-Aguirre Ivett Guadalupe, Díaz Cintra Sofía, Morphological analysis of the hippocampal region associated with an innate behaviour task in the transgenic mouse model (3xTg-AD) for Alzheimer disease, Neurologia, December 2013; 28(8), 497-502
14. Juan Pablo Maya-Arteaga, Humberto Martínez-Orozco, Sofía Diaz Cintra, MorphoGlia, an interactive method to identify and map microglia morphologies, unveils differences in hippocampal subregions of an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, December 2024; 18(1505048), 14
15. J.J. Andrade-Guerrero, H. Martínez-Orozco, M.M Villegas-Rojas, A. Santiago-Balmaseda, Karen M. Delgado-Minjares, I. Pérez-Segura, M.T. Baéz-Cortés, M A. Del Toro-Colin, M. Guerra-Crespo, O Arias-Carrión, S Diaz-Cintra* L O. Soto-Rojas., Alzheimer’s Disease: Understanding Motor Impairments, Brain Sciences, October 2024; 14(1054), 27
16. Pérez-Morales M, Bello-Medina PC, González-Franco DA, Díaz-Cintra S, García-Mena J, Pacheco-López G., 87. Steering the Microbiota-Gut-Brain axis by antibiotics to model neuro-immune-endocrine disorders, NeuroImmuno Modulation, January 2024; 31(1), 14
17. Andrade-Guerrero JJ, Santiago-Balmaseda, Jerónimo-Aguilar P, Vargas-Rodríguez I, Cadena-Suárez AR, Sánchez-Garibay C, Pozo-Molina G, Méndez-Catalá CF, Cardenas-Aguayo MC, Diaz-Cintra S, Pacheco-Herrero M, Luna-Muñoz J, Soto-Rojas LO.
, Alzheimer’s disease: an updated look from its genetics, International Journal in Molecular Sciences, November 2023; 24(3754), 23
18. Andrade-Guerrero J, Orta-Salazar E, Salinas-Lara C, Sánchez-Garibay C, Rodríguez-Hernández LD, Vargas-Rodríguez I, Barron-Leon N, Ledesma-Alonso C, Díaz-Cintra S*, Soto-Rojas LO. *Autor de correspondencia., Effects of Voluntary Physical Exercise on the Neurovascular Unit in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease., International Journal in Molecular Sciences, November 2023; 24(11134), 15
19. Bello-Medina PC, González-Franco DA., Vargas-Rodríguez I, Díaz-Cintra Sofía (autor de correspondencia), Oxidative stress, immune response, synaptic plasticity, and cognition in transgenic models of Alzheimer's disease, Revista de Neurología, December 2022; 37(7), 682-690
20. Bello-Medina PC, González-Franco DA, Vargas-Rodríguez I, Díaz-Cintra Sofía, Oxidative stress, immune response, synaptic plasticity, and cognition in transgenic models of Alzheimer's disease, Neurologia, November 2022; 37(8), 682-90
21. Xolalpa-Cueva L, Garciá-Carlos, CA,Villaseñor-Zepeda, R, Orta-Salazar, E, Diaz Cintra, S,, Peña-Ortega, F, Perry, G, Mondragoń-Rodríguez, S, Hyperphosphorylated Tau Relates to Improved Cognitive Performance and Reduced Hippocampal Excitability in the Young rTg4510 Mouse Model of Tauopathy, International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, November 2022; 87(2), 529
22. Bello-Medina PC, Corona-Cervantes K, Zavala Torres NG, González A, Pérez-Morales M, , González-Franco DA, Gómez A, García-Mena J, Díaz-Cintra S*, Pacheco-López G. , Chronic-Antibiotics Induced Gut microbiota Dysbiosis Recues Memory Impairment and Reduces β-amyloid aggregation in a preclinical Alzheimer’s disease model, Int. J. Mol. Sci, August 2022; 23(15), 8209
23. Vargas-Rodríguez I, Pacheco-López G, Reyes-Castro LA, Zambrano E, Díaz-Ruíz A, Diaz-Cintra S. , Microglia sensitization in postnatal stage by lipopolysaccharide causes resistance to weight gain and working memory impairment in a model of mice fed a high-fat diet, Behavioral Brain Reserch, February 2022; 423(1), 1-7
24. Bello-Medina PC, Hernández-Quiroz F, Pérez-Morales, González-Franco DA, Cruz-Pauseno G, García-Mena J, Díaz-Cintra S, Pacheco-López G., Spatial Memory and Gut Microbiota
Alterations Are Already Present in
Early Adulthood in a Pre-clinical
Transgenic Model of Alzheimer’s
Disease, Frontiers in Neuroscience, December 2021; 15(596583), 1-18
25. González-Luna IA, Juárez-Tapia C, Aguilar-Vázquez A, Arnold E, Díaz-Cintra S, Miranda-Anaya M, Díaz-Muñoz M, Changes in 24 h rhythmicity of spontaneous locomotor activity in the triple trangenic mouse for Alzheimer-s disease (3xTg-AD) in a jet lag protocol: Correlations with retinal sensitivity, Journal of Circadian Rhythms, December 2021; 19(1), 1-15
26. Guzmán-Ruiz A, Orta- Salazar E, Herrera-González A, Candelas-Juárez A, Jiménez-Hernández A, Quiroga-Lozano C, Díaz- Cintra S, Guevara-Guzmán R, Protective effects of intra cerebro ventricular adiponectin against olfactory impairments in an amyloid β1-42 rat model, BMC Neuroscience, December 2021; 22(2), 15
27. Niño SA, Vázquez-Hernández N, Arévalo-Villalobos J, Chi-Ahumada E, Martín-Amaya-Barajas FL, Díaz-Cintra S, Martell-Gallegos M, González-Burgos I, Jiménez-CapdevilleMA, Cortical synaptic reorganización under arsenic exposure, NeuroToxicology, December 2021; 1(1), 8
28. Martínez-Orozco H, Reyes-Castro LA, Sandoval-Salazar C, Ramírez-Emiliano J, Díaz-Cintra S*, Solís-Ortiz S. , Effect of the high-fat and high fructose diet on recognition memory and its correlation to the GABA-Glutamine-Glutamate cycle in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of C57BL/6 adult male mice, Nutritional Neuroscience, November 2021; 1(1), 1
29. Marrero-Rivera S, Bencomo Martinez A, Orta Salazar E, Sablón-Carrazana M, García-Pupo L, Zoppolo F, Arredondo F, Dapueto R, Santi M.D, Kreimerman I, Pardo T, Reyes L, Galán L, León-Chaviano S, Espinosa-Rodríguez LA, Menéndez-Soto del Valle R, Savio E, Diaz Cintra S*, Chryslaine Rodríguez-Tanty. (*Autor de correspondencia), A Novel small molecule with potential anti-amilodogenic activity, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, November 2020; 28(20), 16
30. Mondragón-Rodríguez S, Ordaz B, Orta-Salazar E, Peña-Ortega F, Díaz-Cintra S. , Hippocampal unicellular recordings and Hippocampal-dependent innate behaviors in an adolescent mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease, Bioprotocol, November 2020; 10(04), 16
31. Padilla-Gómez Euridice, Bello-Medina Paola C, León-Jacinto Uriel, Orta-Salazar E, Prado-Alcalá Roberto A, Quirarte Gina L, Ramírez-Amaya Víctor,*Díaz-Cintra Sofía. (*Autor de correspondencia), Morris water maze overtraining increases the density of thorny excrescences in the basal dendrites of CA3 pyramidal neurons, Behavioural Brain Research, November 2020; 379(112523), 7
32. Mondragón-Rodríguez S, Ordaz B, Orta-Salazar E, Díaz-Cintra S, Peña-Ortega F, Perry G, Hippocampal Unicellular Recordings and Hippocampal-dependent Innate Behaviors in an Adolescent Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s disease , Bioprotocol, November 2019; 1(1), 1
33. Niño Sandra Aurora, Morales-Martínez Adriana, Chi-Ahumada Erika, Carrizales Leticia, Salgado-Delgado Roberto, Pérez-Severiano Francisca, Díaz-Cintra Sofia, Jiménez-Capdeville Maria Elena, Zarazúa, Sergio, Arsenic Exposure Contributes to the Bioenergetic Damage in an Alzheimer's Disease Model, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, February 2019; 10(1), 332-336
34. Orta-Salazar E, Feria-Velasco AI, Díaz-Cintra S, Primary motor cortex alterations in Alzheimer disease: A study in the 3xTg-AD model., Revista De Neurologia, February 2019; 34(7), 429-436
35. Padilla Gómez Euridice, Bello-Medina Paola C, León-Jacinto Uriel, Orta-Salazar E, Prado-Alcalá Roberto A, Quirarte Gina L, Ramírez-Amaya Víctor, Díaz-Cintra Sofía, Morris water maze overtraining increases the density of thorny excrescences in the basal dendrites of CA3 pyramidal neurons, Behavioural Brain Research, February 2019; 379(1), 1-15
36. Mondragon-Rodriguez S, Gonzalez-Pereira P, Salas-Gallardo S, Ordas B, Pena-Ortega F, Macias M, Aguilar-Vazquez A, Orta-Salazar E, Diaz Cintra S, Perry J, Williams S, Phosphorylation of tau protein correlates with early changes in hippocampal theta oscillations and reduces hippocampal excitability, Journal Of Biological Chemistry, December 2018; 293(22), 8462-8472
37. Niño S, Morales-Martínez A, Chi-Ahumada E, Carrizales L, Salgado Delgado R, Pérez-Severiano F, Díaz-Cintra Sofía, Jiménez-Capdeville M, Zarazua S. , Arsenic exposure contributes to the bioenergetic damage in an Alzheimer's disease model., ACS Chemical Neuroscience, December 2018; 1(1), 1
38. Syeda, T, Sanchez-Tapia, M, Pinedo, L, Granados, O, Cuervo-Zanatta, D, Rojas-Santiago, Díaz-Cintra, S, Torres-Torres, N, Perez-Cruz, C, Bioactive food can abate metabolic and synaptic alterations by modulating the brain-gut axis in a mouse model of Alzheimer´s disease, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, November 2018; 66(4), 1657-1682
39. Orta-Salazar, E., Feria-Velasco, A.I., Díaz-Cintra, S, Primary motor cortex alterations in Alzheimer disease: A study in the 3xTg-AD model, Revista De Neurologia, November 2017; 1(1), 1-5
40. Carasatorre Musuruana M, Ramírez-Amaya V, Díaz Cintra S, Structural synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus induced by spatial experience and its implications in information processing, Revista De Neurologia, October 2016; 31(8), 543-549
41. Jean-Pascal Morin, Sofia Diaz-Cintra, Federico
Bermudez-Rattoni, Ilse Delint-Ramirez, Decreased levels of NMDA but not AMPA receptors in the lipid raft fraction of 3xTg-AD model of Alzheimer's disease: Relation to Arc/Arg3.1Protein Expression, Neurochemistry International, October 2016; 100(1), 159-163
42. Carasatorre M, Ochoa-Alvarez A, Lozano-Flores C, Ramírez-Amaya V, Díaz-Cintra S, , Hippocampal Mossy Fiber Expansion Induced by Spatial Learning in Rats Improves Spatial Pattern Separation and also Pattern Completion, Plos One, August 2015; 10(8:e0132676), 1-30
43. Beltrán-Campos V, Silva-Vera M, García-Campos L, Díaz-Cintra S. , Effects of morphine on brain plasticity, Revista De Neurologia, February 2015; 30(3), 176-180
44. Brenda Gabriela Maldonado-Cedillo, Araceli Díaz-Ruiz, Sergio Montes,
Sonia Galván-Arzate, Camilo Ríos, Vicente Beltrán-Campos, Mireya Alcaraz-
Zubeldia & Sofia Díaz-Cintra, Prenatal malnutrition and lead intake produce
increased brain lipid peroxidation levels in
newborn rats, Nutritional Neuroscience, February 2015; 0(0), 1-9
45. Castro S, Aguilar-Vázquez A, Martínez-Chávez Y, Palma L, Padilla-Gomez E, Díaz-Cintra S. , Effects of chronic malnourishment and aging on the ultrastructure of pyramidal cells of the dorsal hippocampus, Nutritional Neuroscience, February 2015; 1(1), 1-8
46. Orta-Salazar E, Aguilar-Vázquez A, Martínez-Coria H, Luquín De Anda S, Rivera-Cervantes M, Beas-Zarate C, Feria-Velasco A, Díaz Cintra S, REST/NRSF-induced changes of ChAT protein expression in the neocortex and hippocampus of the 3xTg-AD mouse model for Alzheimer’s disease, Life Sciences, October 2014; 116(2), 83-89
47. Orta-Salazar E, Cuellar-Lemus CA, Díaz Cintra S, Feria Velasco AI, Cholinergic markers in the cortex and hippocampus of some animal species and their correlation to Alzheimer's disease, Neurologia, August 2014; 29(8), 497-503
Salazar-García, M, Revilla-Monsalve MA, Palomino Garibay MA, Arteaga-Martínez M, Díaz-Cintra-S, De la Rosa P, Sanchez F.
, Chronological and Morphological Study of Hearth Development in the rat, The Anatomical Record, December 2012; 295, 1267-1290
49. Padilla-Gómez E, Beltrán-Campos V, Montes S, Díaz-Ruíz A, Quirarte G, Ríos C, Diaz-Cintra S, Effect of 17ß-estradiol on zinc content of hippocampal mossy fibers in ovariectomized adult rats, Biometals, July 2012; 1(2), 1-6
50. Garín-Aguilar, ME, Díaz-Cintra S, Quirarte G, Aguilar-Vázquez A, Medina AC, Prado Alcalá R, Extinction procedure induces pruning of dendritic spines in CA1 hippocampal field depending on strength of training in rats, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, March 2012; 6, 1-6
51. Beltrán Campos V, Quirarte G, León-Jacinto L, Ramírez-Amaya V, Aguilar Vázquez AR, Prado-Alcalá R, Díaz-Cintra S , Increase of mushroom spine density in CA1 apical dendrites produced by water maze training is prevented by ovariectomy, Brain Research, May 2011; 1369, 119-130
52. Jiménez-Trejo F, Olivos-Cisneros l, Mendoza-Torreblanca J, Báez-Saldaña A, Padilla-Cortés P, García-Zepeda ML, Díaz-Cintra S, Fuentes-Farías AL, Gutiérrez-Ospina, Sensory neurons in the spinal cord of nominal female embryos in the marine turtle Lepidochelis olivacea respond to shifts in incubation temperature: Implications for temperature dependent sex determination, Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, February 2011; 1, 1-8
53. Díaz-Ruiz A, Salgado-Ceballos H, Montes S, Guizar-Sahagun G., Mendez-Armenta M, Gelisa-Herrera N, Díaz-Cintra S, Ríos C, Delayed administration of dapsone, protects from tissue damage and improves recovery after spinal cord injury, Journal Of Neuroscience Research, January 2011; 89, 373-380
54. Díaz-Cintra S, Xue B, Spigelman I, Van K, Wong AM, Obenaus A, Ribak CE., Dentate granule cells form hilar basal dendrites in a rat model of hypoxia-ischemia. , Brain Research, June 2009; 1285:(18), 182-187.
55. Martínez Y, Díaz-Cintra S. León-Jacinto, U., Aguilar-Vázquez, A, Quirarte, Medina A.C. Prado-Alcalá, RA. , Effects of postnatal malnutrition and senescence on learning, long-term memory, and extinction in the rat. Behav. , Behavioural Brain Research, April 2009; 203, 48-53
56. Díaz-Cintra S, González-Maciel A, Aguilar Vázquez AR, Morales MA, Cintra L, Prado-Alcalá RA, Protein malnutition differentially alters Glutamic Acid Decarboxilase-67-Positive hippocampus interneurons, Experimental Neurology, October 2007; 208, 47-53
57. Martínez-Avila MA, Mendoza H, Aguilar A, Díaz-Cintra S., Efecto del estradiol en el tectum opticum de embriones de pollo y su interacción con la resección del prosencéfalo., Veterinaria México, January 2005; 36(4), 339-350
58. Granados-Rojas L, Aguilar A, Díaz-Cintra , The mossy fiber system of the hippocampal formation is decreased by chronic and postnatal but not by prenatal protein malnutrition in rats, Nutritional Neuroscience, October 2004; 7(5-6), 301-308
59. Díaz-Cintra S, Yong A, Aguilar VA, Xiaoning Bi, Lynch G, and Ch, Ribak, Ultraestructural analysis of changes in neuronal features of hippocampal pyramidal cells treated with cathepsins inhibitor from apoliprotein E in mice, Journal Of Neurocytology, January 2004; 33(1), 33-37
60. Serrano-García N, Granados-Rojas L y Díaz-Cintra S, Dimorfismo sexual en el volumen del stratum granular y del sistema de fibras musgosas del hipocampo de ratas juveniles testigo y malnutridas prenatalmente, Veterinaria México, January 2004; 35(4), 327-338
61. Cerutti SM, Díaz-Cintra S, Cintra L, Ferrari EA. , Operant discriminative learning and evidence of subtelencephalic plastic changes after long-term detelencephalation in pigeons., Neural Plasticity, July 2003; 10, 247-266
62. Quiróz C, Martinez I, Quirarte GL, Morales T, Díaz-Cintra S, Prado-Alcalá R. , Enhanced inhibitory avoidance learning prevents the memory-impairing effects of posttraining hippocampal inactivation, Experimental Brain Research, July 2003; 153(3), 400-402
63. Martínez I, Quirarte G, Díaz-Cintra S, Quiroz C, and Prado-Alcalá RA., Effects of lesions of hippocampal felds CA1 and CA3 on acquisition of inhibitory avoidance , Neuropsychobiology, July 2002; 46(2), 97-103
64. Granados-rojas L, Serrrano N, Gutiérrez-Ospina G, Díaz Cintra S., Prenatal protein malnutrition deifferentally affects the volume of the granule layer and mossy fibers in young male and female rtas, Proceedings Of The Western Pharmacology Society, June 2002; 45(1), 153-54
65. Díaz-Miranda S, Granados Rojas, Aguilar-Vázquez, Sánchez MA, Cintra L., La formacion hipocampica y el envejecimiento, Gaceta Medica De Querétaro, January 2002; 11(2), 29-33
66. Granados-Rojas L., Larriva-Sahd J. L., Cintra L., Gutiérrez Ospina G., Rondán A., Díaz-Cintra S., Prenatal protein malnutrition decreases hippocampal CA3 asymmetric synaptic contacts in adult rats. , Brain Research, January 2002; 933(0), 91-173
67. Argumedo C, Valenzuela-Peraza A, Granados-Rojas L, Serrano-García N, Coballasurutia, E, Díaz-Cintra S.
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68. Díaz Miranda Sofía Y., Posgrado en Ciencias (Neurobiología), Gaceta Medica De Querétaro, January 1999; 9(1), 5-7
69. Gutiérrez-Ospina G, Jiménez-Trejo F, Fávila-Humara R, Moreno N, Granados-Rojas L, Barrios F, Díaz-Cintra S. Merchant-Larios H., Acetylcholinesterase positive inervation is present at undifferentiated stages of the sea turtle Lepidochelis olivacea embryo gonads implications for temperature dependent sex determination, Comp Neurol, January 1999; 410(0), 90-98
70. Gutiérrez-Ospina G, Díaz-Cintra S, Aguirre-Portilla A, Pineda-Martínez T, Aguilar-Vázquez A, Robles-López S, Barrios FA, Comparable levels of neural activity in developmentally deprived adult S1 barrels, Neuroscience Letters, July 1998; 247(2), 5-8
71. Granados L, Argumedo G, Martínez MA, Pérez-Torrero E, Valenzuela A, Serrano N, Gutiérrez-Ospina G, Díaz-Cintra S., Densidad de espinas dendriticas en neuronas piramidales de la capa IV de la corteza motora en ratas bajo estres prenatal , Archivos De Neurociencias, January 1998; 3(0), 128-134
72. Cintra L, Aguilar A, Granados L., Galván A, Kemper T, DeBassio W, Galler J, Morgane P, Durán P, Díaz-Cintra S., Effects of prenatal protein malnutrition hippocampal, CA1 pyramidal cells in rats of four age groups, Hippocampus, January 1997; 7(2), 192-203
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75. Pérez-Torrero E, Durán P, Granados L, Gutiérrez-Ospina G, Cintra L, Díaz-Cintra S., Effects of acute prenatal ethanol exposure on Bergmann glial cells erarly postnatal development., Brain Research, January 1997; 746(0), 305-308
76. Solano-Flores P, Arrellano RP, Guevara R, Cintra L, Díaz-Cintra S , Neural regeneration elements and restoration of estrous cyclicity after locus coeruleus-periventricular gray substance knife sections, Brain Research Bulletin, September 1995; 37, 377-389
77. Díaz-Cintra S, Rivas P, Cintra L, Pérez E, Escobar M, Bermúdez-Rattoni F. , Morphometric study of fetal brain transplants in the insular cortex and NGF effects on neuronal and glial development. , Cell Transplant, April 1995; 4, 505-513
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79. Cintra L, Galván, A , Díaz-Cintra S, and Escobar C., Protein malnutrition on suprachiasmatic nucleus cells in rats of three ages., Bol. Estud. Med. Biol. Méx, January 1994; 42(0), 11-19
80. Cordkidi G, Marquez J, García-Ruiz M, Díaz-Cintra S, Graue E., Cartographic system for spatial distribution analysis of corneal endothelial cells , Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, January 1994; 32(0), 421-426
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83. Morgane PJ, Lafrance R, Bronzino J, Tonkiss J, Díaz-Cintra S, Cintra L, Kemper T, Galler J. , Prenatal malnutrition and development of the brain, Neuroscience And Biobehavioral Reviews, June 1993; 17(1), 91-128
84. Corkidi B, G, Márquez J, Usísima R, García M, y Díaz-Cintra S., Sistema para la distribución espacial de células endoteliales en corneas humanas completas de acuerdo a su morfología especifica , Instrumentacion Y Desarrollo, January 1993; 3(3), 129-132
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86. Díaz-Cintra S, La evolución de la neuroanatomia en la UNAM y su enfoque actual en las neurociencias, Ciencia Y Tecnologia, January 1992; ESPECIAL(0), 46-86
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