Versión en español
Research Interest
Most Recent Publications
Most Recent Advised Theses
Dr Iván Lazcano Sánchez
Investigador Asoc. C T.C.

Boulevard Juriquilla 3001, Querétaro. Edificio D, laboratorio D03, Instituto de Neurobiología - UNAM, Boulevard Juriquilla 3001, Juriquilla, Querétaro, México, Queretaro, México

phone: 2381068


Research Interest

  1. Specific functions for thyroid hormone receptors
  2. Thyroid hormone signaling during metamorphosis and central nervous system of mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)

Most Recent Publications

1. Ivan Lazcano, Abraham Cisneros-Mejorado, Luis Concha, Juan José Ortiz-Retana, Eduardo A Garza-Villarreal, Aurea Orozco, MRI- and histologically derived neuroanatomical atlas of the Ambystoma mexicanum (axolotl), Scientific Reports, May 2021; 10(11), 13

2. Orozco, A., Lazcano, I., Hernández-Puga, G., Olvera, A. , Non-mammalian models reveal the role of alternative ligands for thyroid hormone receptors., Mol Cell Endocrinol , March 2017

3. Lazcano, I., Cabral, A., Uribe, R. M., Jaimes-Hoy, L., Perello, M., Joseph-Bravo, P., Sánchez-Jaramillo, E., and Charli, J. L. , Fasting enhances pyroglutamyl peptidase II activity in tanycytes of the mediobasal hypothalamus of male adult rats. 2015, Endocrinology, July 2015; 156(7), 2713-23

4. Lazcano I, Pech-Pool SM, Maldonado-Lira MF, Olvera A, Darras VM, Orozco A., Ontogeny of Thyroid Hormone Signaling in the Retina of Zebrafish: Effects of Thyroidal Status on Retinal Morphology, Cell Survival, and Color Preference., International Journal of Molecular Sciences, November 2024

5. José Ávila-Mendoza, Valeria A Urban-Sosa, Iván Lazcano, Aurea Orozco, Maricela Luna , Carlos G Martínez-Moreno , Carlos Arámburo, Comparative analysis of Krüppel-like factors expression in the retinas of zebrafish and mice during development and after injury, General and Comparative Endocrinology, September 2024


Most Recent Advised Theses

1. María de los Ángeles García Escamilla (estudiante), Efecto de la mutación del receptor a hormonas tiroideas tipo beta sobre la preferencia de color en el pez cebra, Modalidad: Tesis, Licenciatura en Biología, Licenciatura, Ciencias, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, Fecha de presentación de examen: 2022-06-17, Lazcano Sánchez Iván (Director)