1. MÉNDEZ I., Editorial: Immunoendocrine system from physiology to pathology, Frontiers in Endocrinology, August 2024; 15
2. JUÁREZ-RIVERA BE, HERNÁNDEZ-ABREGO A, DE LOS RÍOS EA, HERNÁNDEZ-QUIJANO LV, DÍAZ-MUÑOZ M, MÉNDEZ I, Effect of the metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 on liver cell survival: a potential biomarker in hepatocarcinoma, Journal of Hepatology, July 2024; 80n(Suppl 1), S436
3. MÉNDEZ I, HERNÁNDEZ-ABREGO A, GARCÍA GAYTÁN AC, DE ITA-PÉREZ D, DE LOS RÍOS EA, TURRUBIATE PAZ I, GÁMEZ-ROSAS E, DÍAZ-MUÑOZ M, Expression and role of the metabotropic glutamate receptor type 3 in hepatocarcinoma", Journal of Hepatology, July 2023; 78(S1), S547-S548
4. FLORES-ESPINOSA P, MÉNDEZ I, IRLES C, OLMOS-ORTIZ A, HELGUERA-REPETTO C, MANCILLA-HERRERA I, ORTUÑO-SAHAGÚN D, GOFFIN V, ZAGA-CLAVELLINA V, Immunomodulatory role of decidual prolactin on the human fetal membranes and placenta, Frontiers in Immunology, May 2023; 14, 1-11
5. GARCÍA-GAYTÁN AC, HERNÁNDEZ-ABREGO A, DÍAZ-MUÑOZ M, MÉNDEZ I., Glutamatergic system components as potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets in cancer in non-neural organs, Frontiers in Endocrinology, November 2022, 1-20
6. RAMÍREZ-VENEGAS G, DE ITA-PÉREZ D, DÍAZ-MUÑOZ M, MÉNDEZ I, GARCÍA-GASCA T, AHUMADA-SOLÓRZANO M, ZAMBRANO-ESTRADA X, VÁZQUEZ-MARTÍNEZ O, GUZMÁN-MALDONADO H, LUNA-MORENO D, Supplementation with Phaseolus vulgaris leaves improves metabolic alterations induced by high-fat/fructose diet in rats under time-restricted feeding, Plant Foods For Human Nutrition, September 2021; 76(3), 297-303
7. GARCÍA-GAYTÁN AC, MIRANDA-ANAYA M, TURRUBIATE I, LÓPEZ-DE PORTUGAL L, BOCANEGRA-BOTELLO GN, LÓPEZ-ISLAS A, DÍAZ-MUÑOZ M, MÉNDEZ I, Synchronization of the circadian clock by time-restricted feeding with progressive increasing calorie intake. Resemblances and differences regarding a sustained hypocaloric restriction, Scientific Reports, June 2020; 10(10036), 1-17
8. MÉNDEZ I, DÍAZ-MUÑOZ M, Circadian and Metabolic Perspectives in the Role Played by NADPH in Cancer, Frontiers in Endocrinology, March 2018; 9, 1-6
9. LÓPEZ-ISLAS A, GAZCA MARTÍNEZ D, MENDEZ I, , Estado metabólico en ratas bajo protocolos de restricción temporal de alimento, Padi Boletín Científico de Ciencias Básicas e Ingenierías del ICBI, January 2021; 8, 37-41
10. FLORES-ESPINOSA P, VEGA-SÁNCHEZ R, MANCILLA-HERRERA I, BERMEJO-MARTÍNEZ L, PRECIADO-MARTÍNEZ E, OLMOS-ORTIZ A, MÉNDEZ I, ESTRADA-GUTIÉRREZ G, QUESADA-REYNA B, HELGUERA-REPETTO C, IRLES C, ZAGA-CLAVELINA V, Prolactin selectively inhibits the LPS-induced chemokine secretion of human foetal membranes, The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, December 2020; 33(24), 483-489
11. SOTO- ARREDONDO KJ, ROBLES J, DIAZ-CERVANTES E, RUIZ-RAMIREZ C, GARCÍA REVILLA M, WROBEL K, WROBEL K, DIAZ-MUÑOZ M, MÉNDEZ I, FLORES A, ACEVEDO-AGUILAR FJ, MARTÍNEZ-ALFARO M, Effects of lead and lead–melatonin exposure on protein and gene expression of metal transporters, proteins and the copper/zinc ratio in rats, Biometals, July 2018
12. GONZÁLEZ L, LIRA-ALBARRÁN S, MÉNDEZ I, DIAZ L, LARREA F, The role of the ovarian cycle and the effects of mitogen-induced cytokines on human prolactin gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, Endocrine Research, February 2018; 43(1), 39-46
13. FLORES-ESPINOSA P, PRECIADO-MARTÍNEZ E, MEJÍA-SALVADOR A, SEDANO-GONZÁLEZ G, BERMEJO-MARTÍNEZ L, PARRA-COVARRUVIAS A, ESTRADA-GUTIÉRREZ G, VEGA-SÁNCHEZ R, MÉNDEZ I, QUESADA-REYNA B, OLMOS-ORTÍZ A, ZAGA-CLAVELINA V, Selective immuno-modulatory effect of prolactin upon pro-inflammatory response in human fetal membranes, Journal of Reproductive Immunology, September 2017; 123, 58-64
14. VÁZQUEZ-MARTÍNEZ O, MÉNDEZ I, TURRUBIATE I, VALENTE-GODÍNEZ H, PÉREZ-MENDOZA M, GARCÍA-TEJADA P, DÍAZ-MUÑOZ M, Restricted feeding modulates the daily variations of liver glutamate dehydrogenase activity, expression and histological location, Experimental Biology and Medicine, March 2017; 242(9), 945-952
15. MÉNDEZ I, VÁZQUEZ-MARTÍNEZ O, HERNÁNDEZ-MUÑOZ R, VALENTE-GODÍNEZ H, DÍAZ-MUÑOZ M, Redox regulation and pro-oxidant reactions in the physiology of circadian systems. In special issue “Metabolism in the 21st Century – Advances in Aging and Obesity”, Biochimie, October 2016; 124, 178-186
16. DÍAZ L, DÍAZ-MUÑOZ M, GARCÍA GAYTÁN AC, MÉNDEZ I, Mechanistic effects of calcitriol in cancer biology, Nutrients, June 2015; 7, 5020-5050
17. VALDÉS-FUENTES M, VERA-RIVERA G, DE ITA-PÉREZ D, MÉNDEZ I, MIRANDA M I, DÍAZ-MUÑOZ M, Effect of daytime-restricted feeding in the daily variations
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18. HERNÁNDEZ-PLATA E, QUIROZ-COMPEÁN F, RAMÍREZ-GARCIA G, YÁÑEZ BARRIENTOS E, RODRÍGUEZ-MORALES N, FLORES A, WROBEL K, WROBEL K, MÉNDEZ I, DÍAZ-MUÑOZ M, ROBLES J, MARTÍNEZ-ALFARO M., Melatonin reduces lead levels in blood, brain and bone and increases lead excretion in rats subjected to subacute lead treatment, Toxicology Letters, February 2015; 233, 78-83
19. LEMINI M, RUIZ-HERRERA X, LÓPEZ-BARRERA F, MÉNDEZ I, MARTÍNEZ DE LA ESCALERA G, MACOTELA Y, CLAPP C, Prolactin anterior pituitary expression and circulating levels are reduced in obese and diabetic rats: Role of TGFβ and TNFα, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, February 2015; 308(9), R792-R799
20. VÁZQUEZ-MARTÍNEZ O, DE ITA-PÉREZ D, VALDÉS-FUENTES M, FLORES-VIDRIO A, MÉNDEZ I, DÍAZ-MUÑOZ M, Molecular and biochemical modifications of liver glutamine synthetase elicited by daytime restricted feeding, Liver International, October 2014; 34(9), 1391-1401
21. ZAMORANO M, LEDESMA-COLUNGA MG, ADÁN N, VERA-MASSIEU C, LEMINI M, MÉNDEZ I, MORENO-CARRANZA B, NEUMAN I, THEBAULT S, MARTÍNEZ DE LA ESCALERA G, TORNER L, CLAPP C., Prolactin-derived vasoinhibins increase anxiety- and depression-related behaviors, Psychoneuroendocrinology, June 2014; 44, 123-132
22. GUZMÁN C, GARCÍA-BECERRA R, AGUILAR-MEDINA MA, MÉNDEZ I, MERCHANT-LARIOS H, ZAMBRANO E,, Maternal protein restriction during pregnancy and/or lactation negatively affects follicular ovarian development and steroidogenesis in the prepubertal rat offspring, Archives Of Medical Reseach, May 2014; 45(4), 294-300
23. DE ITA-PÉREZ D, MÉNDEZ I, VÁZQUEZ-MARTÍNEZ O, VILLALOBOS-LEAL M, MAURICIO DÍAZ-MUÑOZ, Synchronization by food access modifies the daily variations in expression and activity of liver GABA transaminase, BioMed Research International, April 2014, 1-8
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25. DÍAZ L, MARTÍNEZ-REZA I, GARCÍA-BECERRA R, GONZÁLEZ L, LARREA F, MÉNDEZ I, Calcitriol stimulates prolactin expression in non-activated human peripheral blood mononuclear
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26. VEGA C, MORENO-CARRANZA B, ZAMORANO M, QUINTANAR-STÉPHANO A, MÉNDEZ I, THEBAULT S, MARTÍNEZ DE LA ESCALERA G, CLAPP C, Prolactin promotes oxytocin and vasopressin release by activating neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, October 2010; 299(1), R-1701 - R1708
27. MÉNDEZ I, VEGA C, ZAMORANO M, MORENO-CARRANZA B, MARTÍNEZ DE LA ESCALERA G, AND CLAPP C., Vasoinhibins and the pituitary gland. , Frontiers Of Hormone Research, July 2010; 38(1), 184-189
28. BARRERA D, AVILA E, HERNÁNDEZ G, MÉNDEZ I, GONZÁLEZ L, HALHALI A, LARREA F, MORALES A, DÍAZ L, Calcitriol affects hCG gene transcription in cultured human syncytiotrophoblasts., Reproductive Biology And Endocrinology, January 2008; 6(3), 1-8
29. AVILA E, DÍAZ L, BARRERA D, HALHALI A, MÉNDEZ I, GONZÁLEZ L, LARREA F, ZUEGEL U, Regulation of vitamin D hydrocylases gene expression by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and cyclic AMP in cultured human syncytiotrophoblasts., Journal Of Steroid Biochemistry And Molecular Biology, January 2007; 103(1), 90-96
30. MÉNDEZ I, GONZÁLEZ L, MARTÍNEZ I., La prolactina: una hormona que también es citocina., Revista De La Escuela De Medicina "Dr. José Sierra Flores" De La Universidad Del Noreste, January 2007; 21(0), 4-11
31. LARREA F, SANCHEZ-GONZALEZ S, GARCIA-BECERRA R, MENDEZ I, Sitios de acción inhibitoria de la prolactina sobre la síntesis de estradiol inducida por la hormona folículo estimulante en las células de la granulosa., Gaceta Medica De México, January 2005; 141(4), 259-266
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33. MENDEZ I, ALCOCER-VARELA J, PARRA A, LARA-ZAVALA A, DE LA CRUZ DA, ALARCON-SEGOVIA D, LARREA F, Neuroendocrine dopaminergic regulation of prolactin release in systemic lupus erythematosus a possible role of lymphocyte-derived prolactin., Lupus, January 2004; 13(0), 45-53
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35. DIAZ L, CARIÑO C, MENDEZ I, La vitamina D: implicaciones en la salud y el embarazo., Revista de Investigacion Clinica, January 2001; 53(1), 77-85
36. GONZALEZ-ARENAS A, REYNA-NEYRA A, GOMEZ M, MENDEZ I, LARRIETA-CARRASCO ME, HACES M, JIMENEZ B, CAMACHO-ARROYO I, Los mensajeros químicos del sistema neuroinmunoendocrino., Educacion Quimica, January 2001; 12(3), 158-162
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38. HERNANDEZ I, PARRA A, MENDEZ I, CABRERA V, CRAVIOTO MC, MERCADO M, DIAZ-SANCHEZ V, LARREA F, Hypothalamic dopaminergic tone and prolactin bioactivity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome., Archives Of Medical Reseach, January 2000; 31(0), 216-222
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