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Doctora Thalía Harmony Baillet
Investigador Tit. C T.C.

Unidad de Investigación en Neurodesarrollo, Instituto de Neurobiología - UNAM, Boulevard Juriquilla 3001, Juriquilla, Querétaro, México, C.P. 76230, Querétaro, México

phone: 52 (55) 5623 42 01, (442) 192 61 01 ext 112   extensión: UNAM 342112
fax: +52 (55) No ext 34005



Thalia Harmony was born in México City, she received her medical degree in 1960 by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. She started researching at the Instituto de Estudios Médicos Biológicos (1958-1963) under the guidance of Dr. C. Guzmán Flores and Dr. A. Fernández Guardiola.

She worked in Cuba from 1963 to 1980, she was the first Doctor of Science in that country by the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas in 1969. Her researches with the group of students at the Neurophysiology Laboratory in the study of quantitative procedures for the analysis of the electroencephalogram and of the evoked potentials in neurological patients, along with the studies in learning disabled children by Dr. E.Roy John at New York University developed the “Neurometric” method, this demonstrates that the quantitative analysis of the EEG and the Event Related Potentials, let to the diagnosis of different brain pathologies.

At the end of 1980 Dr. Harmony comes back to Mexico, she created the “Centro para el Estudio del Daño Cerebral” at the Universidad del Estado de México and she joins as Titular Professor at the ENEP Iztacala of the UNAM. Here she established a research group for the evaluation of learning disorders in children.

In 1997, she joined the Instituto de Neurobiología UNAM, at 2002 she started her research on the early diagnosis and treatment of infants with prenatal and perinatal risk factors for perinatal brain damage. Until today she has created 3 Research Units that supports this research line: the Magnetic Resonance Unit, the Neurodevelopment Research Unit and the Biomechanics Unit, all of them at the Institute of Neurobiology in Queretaro.
At the Neurodevelopmental Research Unit, a multidisciplinary group of expert professionals has studied hundreds of infants that are followed up at 8 years old. The infants followed “neurohabilitation” treatment, a procedure described by Dr. Katona in Hungary, as well as earlier trearments for attention and language deficits that have been developed by the researchers at the Unit. With all these procedures it is possible to prevent neurological and cognitive deficits and a normal outcome is observed in 80% of the treated children.

Research Interest

  1. Development of Neurometrics applied to the study of neurological patients.
  2. Development of quantitative methods for the analysis of brain electrical activity.
  3. Early diagnosis and treatment of brain damage caused by prenatal and perinatal risk factors.
  4. Factors that affect the developing of the nervous system of the child.
  5. Longitudinal study of language and attention neurodevelopment in infants with prenatal and/or perinatal risk factors for brain damage from 4 months to 4 years of age.
  6. Neurochemistry and electrophysiology of experimental epilepsy.
  7. Physiological basis of mental activity.
  8. Regulation of afferent activity in the Central Nervous System.
  9. Study of cognitive disorders in children.

Most Recent Publications

1. Gonzalez-Moreira, E.; Harmony, T.; Hinojosa-Rodríguez, M.; Carrillo-Prado, C.; Juárez-Colín, M.E.; Gutiérrez-Hernández, C.C.; Carlier, M.E.M.; Cubero-Rego, L.; Castro-Chavira, S.A.; Fernández, T, . Prevention of Neurological Sequelae in Preterm Infancts, Brain Sciences, December 2023; 13(1), 153

2. Thalía Harmony. Gloria Otero-Ojeda, Eduardo Aubert, Lourdes Cubero-Rego and Thalía Fernández, Dataset containing resting EEG for a sample of 103 normal infants in the first year of life. El dataset publicado está en el repositorio Se publicó el 25 de mayo 2023 y este es el link: , Open Neuro, December 2023; 25(1), 123

3. Bosch-Bayard J, Biscay RJ, Fernandez T, Otero GA, Ricardo-Garcell J, Aubert-Vazquez E, Evans AC, Harmony T. , EEG effective connectivity during the first year of life mirrors brain synaptogenesis, myelination, and early right hemisphere predominance. , Neuroimage, November 2022; 252(119035)

4. Harmony T, Gutiérrez CC, Carlier M, Hinojosa-Rodríguez M and Carrillo C, Early detection and treatment of attention deficits in preterm and at term infants with risk factors for brain damage. , International Journal Of Psychophysiology, January 2022; 172(1), 17-23

5. Lourdes Cubero-Rego*, Josefina Ricardo-Garcell, Thalia Harmony and Maria Corsi-Cabrera, Progressive Changes in EEG Features of Quiet Sleep in Late Preterm and Full-Term Newborns , Frontiers in Neurology and Neuroscience Research , November 2021; 2, Article ID: 100006


Most Recent Advised Theses

1. Manuel Hinojosa Rodríguez (estudiante), “Conectividad y plasticidad del tracto corticoespinal en lactantes con daño cerebral perinatal tratados con terapia Katona y rehabilitación”., Modalidad: Tesis, Doctorado en Ciencias Biomédicas, Doctorado, INB, Instituto de Neurobiología, Fecha de presentación de examen: 2021-06-15, Harmony Baillet Thalía (Director)

2. Elizabeth Rodríguez Santillán (estudiante), RESPUESTA CEREBRAL HEMODINÁMICA DURANTE LA ORIENTACIÓN VISUAL EN LACTANTES PREMATUROS Y LACTANTES NACIDOS A TÉRMINO EN EL PRIMER AÑO DE VIDA, Modalidad: Tesis, Doctorado en Psicología, Doctorado, Instituto de Neurobiología UNAM-Juriquilla, Instituto de Neurobiología UNAM-Juriquilla, Fecha de presentación de examen: 2021-05-31, Harmony Baillet Thalía (Director)

3. JERÓNIMO RAMOS MENDÍVIL (estudiante), CARACTERIZACIÓN DEL TRACTO CORTICOESPINAL DE NIÑOS MENORES DE 2 AÑOS SOMETIDOS A TERAPIA DE NEUROHABILITACIÓN, EN IMÁGENES DE RESONANCIA MAGNÉTICA DE DIFUSIÓN: UN ESTUDIO LONGITUDINAL, Modalidad: Por proyecto de investigación, Maestría en Neurobiología, Maestría, Instituto de Neurobiología, Instituto de Neurobiología,UNAM. Campus Juriquilla., Fecha de presentación de examen: 2020-09-14, Harmony Baillet Thalía (Director)

4. HÉCTOR EDUARDO ZEPEDA REYES (estudiante), Caracterización de la conectividad de neonatos con restricción de crecimiento intrauterino basada en imágenes de difusión., Modalidad: Por artículo de investigación, Maestrìa en Neurobiología, Maestría, Instituto de Neurobiollogía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Fecha de presentación de examen: 2019-10-08, Harmony Baillet Thalía (Director)

5. Astrid Carolina Cancino Briceño (estudiante), Resonancia Magnética en estado de reposo en lactantes prematuros con anormalidades en la sustancia blanca, Modalidad: Por proyecto de investigación, Maestría en Ciencias (Neurobiología), Maestría, Instituto de Neurobiología UNAM-Juriquilla, INB-UNAM, Instituto de Neurobiología UNAM-Juriquilla, Fecha de presentación de examen: 2018-11-08, Harmony Baillet Thalía (Director)

Most Recent Published Books

1. John, E.R., Harmony, T., Prichep, L. and Valdés, P. (eds), , MACHINERY OF THE MIND, 1, 1a, , Estados Unidos de América, ISBN: 081763461-4, January 1990

2. Harmony, T. y Alcaraz, V.M. (eds)., DAÑO CEREBRAL, 1, 1a, , México, ISBN: 9682421829, January 1987

3. Harmony T., NEUROMETRIC ASSESSMENT OF BRAIN DYSFUNCTION IN NEUROLOGICAL PATIENTS, 1, 1a, , Estados Unidos de América, ISBN: 0-89859-044-2, 1984


Most Recent Chapters in Books

1. Editores: Alejandro A. Torres-García Carlos A. Reyes-García Luis Villaseñor-Pineda Omar Mendoza-Montoya , Biosignal Processing and Classification Using Computational Learning and Intelligence, , , Elsevier, , Países Bajos, November 2020

2. Thalía Harmony, Fiisoterapìa en atención temprana, , Editorial Médica Panamericana, , España, November 2020

3. Harmony, T. , "Handbook of clinical child neuropsychology", , Reynolds, C.R. and Fletchner-Jamzen, E. (eds), Springer, 2009, 3rd edition,, , Estados Unidos de América, 2009

4. Harmony, T., Alba A, Marroquín JL, Fernández- Bouzas A, Avecilla G, Ricardo-Garcell J, Santiago-Rodríguez E, Otero G, Porras-Kattz E.,,Fernández T. , “From Development to Degeneration and Regeneration of the Nervous System”, , , Oxford University press,, , México, 2009

5. 4. Rodríguez M, Prieto B, Bernal J, Marosi E, Yánez G, Harmony T, Silva-Pereyra J, Fernández T, Fernández-Bouzas A, Rodríguez H, Luviano L, Guerrero V , En: F Columbus (ed.) Learning Disabilities. New research. NovaScience Publishers, New York., , 1a, , Estados Unidos de América, March 2006